Streetstyle: Clara
all photos by yours truly
It’s been such a long time since I last published a street-style post. In fact, the last time I took a street-style photo I was still blogging in my previous site, where I dedicated most of my posts to registering what people wore on the streets of Panama or any city I visited. Just recently, I was, as usual, walking with camera in hand, it was noon and the heat was overwhelming that I went in to the “Jardin Vegetariano” (a holy grail for vegetarians because it’s cheap as fuck and delicious) on Via Veneto. I was enjoying my plate of mustard leaves and in came through Clara, this Spanish young woman, artist, with a hair that has more personality than most people I know.
She was wearing very uncomplicated clothes, monochromatic to be exact. A pair of pin-stripe pants, a cotton top and black trainers. A simple tote bag on her shoulder. Sometimes austerity shines brighter than extravagance, and Clara knows it.
Hacia bastante rato que no hacia un post de street-style. De hecho, tenía rato sin siquiera tomar una foto de street-style. Antes, en mi primer blog dedicaba gran parte de mis entradas a registrar lo que vestía las calles de Panamá y/o cualquier ciudad que visitaba. Recientemente estaba como siempre, caminando y con cámara en mano, era mediodía así que hice una parada en el Jardín Vegetariano de Via Veneto para almorzar y al restaurante entro Clara, esta muchacha española, artista y con un cabello con más personalidad que muchos y muchas.
Vestía ropa sencilla, monocromática. Unas trainers y un tote bag desenmarañado. Algunas veces brilla más lo sobrio que lo tumultuoso. Clara es un ejemplo de ello.